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Valerie FREDE
Mathématiques#Enseignant#Section 16° - PsychologieCoordonnées
- Adresse
- Bureau C609 (MDR) Laboratoire CLLE. Membre de l'équipe Processus Langagiers & Cognitifs. Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès 5 allées Antonio Machado 31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9
- Bureau
- C609 UT2J (MDR)
- Tél
- 0566222407
- Bureau 2
- 14 ESPE St Agne
- Téléphone 2
- 0566222407#0562252075
- valerie.frede@univ-tlse2.fr
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Psychologie du développement, Méthodologie, Mathématiques et enseignement des mathématiques, Astronomie et enseignement de l'astronomie.
Thèmes de recherche
Astronomie et éducation, Espace et nombres. Changements conceptuels. Psychologie du développement, études interculturelles.
Acquisition et développement de concepts scientifiques contre intuitifs.
Systèmes dynamiques.
Acquisition et développement de concepts scientifiques contre intuitifs.
Systèmes dynamiques.
Activités / CV
Docteur en Astronomie Fondamentale, Mécanique Céleste et Géodésie.
Maitre de conférences en psychologie du développement.
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche (HDR) en psychologie (2019) : Acquisition et construction de connaissances contre-intuitives en sciences. Considérations théoriques, méthodologiques et culturelles.
Sélection de publications (revues internationales à comité de lecture)
- Frède, V. (2006). Pre-service elementary teacher’s conceptions about astronomy. Advances in Space Research, 38(10), 2237-2246.
- Frède, V. (2008). Teaching astronomy for pre-service elementary teachers: A comparison of methods. Advances in Space Research, 42(11), 1819-1830.
- Frède, V. (2008). The Seasons Explained by Refutational Modeling Activities. Astronomy Education Review, 7(1), 44-56.
- Frède, V., Troadec, B., & Frappart, S. (2009). Acquisition de connaissances au sujet du cycle journée/nuit chez l’enfant français : Etude développementale et comparaisons méthodologiques. Psychologie Française, 54(2), 153-171.
- Troadec, B., Zarhbouch, B., & Frède, V. (2009). Cultural Artifact and Production of Knowledge about the Shape of the Earth: The Case of Moroccan Children. European Journal of Psychology of Education, XXIV (4), 485-498.
- Frède, V., Nobes, G., Frappart, S., Panagiotaki, G., Troadec, B., & Martin, A. (2011). The acquisition of scientific knowledge: the influence of methods of questioning and analysis on the interpretation of children’s conceptions of the Earth. Infant and Child Development, 20(4), 432-448.
- Frappart, S., Raijmakers, M., & Frède, V., (2014) What do children know about gravitation in the Universe? Understanding, structure, and developmental aspects. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 120, 17-38.
- Frappart, S. & Frède, V. (2016). Conceptual Change About Outer Space: How Does Informal Training Combined With Formal Teaching Affect Seventh Graders’ Understanding of Gravitation? European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31(4), 515-535.
- Frède, V., Frappart, S. & Troadec, B. (2017). Acquisition de connaissances en astronomie : rôle de l'enseignement et du contexte culturel au sein duquel l'enfant se construit. Psychologie Française, 62(4), 313-333.
- Frède V. (2019). Comprehension of the night and day cycle amonf French and Cameroon children aged 7-8 years. Cutural Studies of Science Education, 14(3), 587-615.
- Frède V., Frappart, S. & Jmel, S. (2019). Burkinabe' children acquisition and construction of knowledge in astronomy. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 50(7), 870-895.
- Pitout, F., Bretones, P.S., Rollinde, E. & Frède, V. (2020). Astronomy education research in France : survey and analysis. Preliminary results. IAU astroEDU submission portal.
- Frède, V. (2021). L'acquisition et le développement des connaissances contre-intuitives en siences. Comment l'enfant se représente-t-il le ciel et la Terre. Editions Cépaduès, Toulouse (Ouvrage : 218 pages).
- Nobes, G, Frède V., Panagiotaki, G. (2022). Astronomer's representations of the earth and day/night cycle : Implications for children's acquisition of scientific concepts. Current Psychology.
- Frède, V. (2023). The construction of astronomy knowledge in elementary school children : influence of the cultural context. Enfance, 1, 55-73.
Informations complémentaires
Communications dans des conférences internationales
- Charras, Bourgaux, L., Brunel, L. & Frède, V. (2022, June). Association Espace-Nombre chez l'enfant d'âge scolaire. Colloque Ripsydeve, Montpellier, France.
- Pitout, F. Bretones, P.S., Rollinde, E, & Frède, V. (2019, September). Astronomy education research in France: survey and analysis. Preliminary results. Astronomy Education Conference : Bridging Research & Practice, Munich, Germany, pp. 23-29.
- Sessa, N., Frède V. & Charras, P. (2019, September). Cognitive biases in non-synbolic additions. 21th conférence of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Espagne, p. 233.
- Frède, V., & Paubel, P.V. (2019, August). Development of enumeration processes depending on age, numerosity, configuration and colors of elements. The 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Athènes, Grèce. p. 357.
- Frède, V., Frappart, S., & Jmel, S. (2019, August). Cultural influences on counter-intuitive knowledge development. The 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Athènes, Grèce. p. 499.
- Frède, V., & Frappart, S. (2014, September). How does culture - animistic versus mechanistic - influence children’s understanding of Earth shape and night and day cycle? The British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual conference, Amsterdam, Pays Bas.
- Frappart, S., Raijmakers, M., & Frède, V. (2014, September). Analysis of children’s knowledge structure about gravitation with LCA method (Latent Class Analysis)The British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual conference, Amsterdam, Pays Bas.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2012, September). Développer des connaissances scientifiques sur un phénomène contre-intuitif, 54ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie. Montpellier, France.
- Frède, V., Nobes, G., Frappart, S., Panagiotaki, G., Troadec, B., & Martin, A. (2012, September). Influence de la méthodologie dans l’interprétation des conceptions de la forme de la Terre chez l’enfant, 54ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie. Montpellier, France.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2012, July). Knowledge development about gravity in the universe following a space museum’s visit associated to a traditional teaching, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Mysore.
- Frède, V., & Frappart, S. (2012, July). Knowledge development about gravitation in space for children aged from 5 to 18 years old, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Mysore, India.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2011, June). The impact of a space museum visit on the development of knowledge of gravitation. 41th Annual Meeting of The Jean Piaget Society. Berkeley, USA.
- Frappart, S., Frède, V., & Guidetti, M. (2011, June). Knowledge development about gravitation on Earth and in space. 41th Annual Meeting of The Jean Piaget Society. Berkeley, USA.
- Tartas, V., Frède, V. (2011, September). How can semiotic tools mediate the meaning making process of a scientific phenomenom? A developmental study in learning science through argumentation and inquiry based activities in Astronomy. ISCAR Congress, Rome, Italy p 94).
- Frappart, S., Frède, V., & Guidetti, M. (2010, June). Conceptual development about gravitation for French children. 40th Annual Meeting of The Jean Piaget Society. Saint Louis, USA.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2010, February). Development of misconceptions about gravitation in space for secondary school students. 14th Annual International Space University. Strasbourg, France.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2009, August). Knowledge development on gravitation for nursery and primary school children. 14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Frède, V., & Frappart, S. (2009, August). Cross-cultural study between French and West African elementary school children on basic astronomical concepts. 14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Frède V. (2009, June) Acquisition et développement des connaissances scientifiques en astronomie. Comparaison interculturelle auprès d’élèves d’école élémentaire français et burkinabé. 51ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Toulouse, France.
- Frappart S. & Frède V. (2009, June). Développement conceptuel du phénomène de gravité : quel cadre théorique? (communication affichée) 51ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Toulouse, France.
- Frède, V., Nobes, G., Frappart, S., Panagiotaki, G., Troadec, B., & Martin, A. (2008, September). The acquisition of scientific knowledge: French children's views of the Earth. British Psychological Society 2008 Developmental Section Conference, Oxford Brookes University, UK.
- Haerle, F. C., Bendixen, L. D., Frède, V., & Rose, J. (2007, April). A cross-cultural study on elementary school students’ personal epistemology in the US, Germany, and Africa. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
- Tartas V. & Frède V. (2007, September). Intuitive ideas and scientific explanations as part of elementary children’s’ developing understanding in astronomy: the case of the seasons. EARLI Conference Budapest.
- Frappart, S., & Frède, V. (2008, July). Understanding the knowledge acquisition process about Earth and Space concepts. 37th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Québec.
- Frède, V. (2006, July). Teaching astronomy for pre service elementary teachers: a comparison of methods. 36th Cospar Scientific Assembly Beijing, Pekin, Chine.
- Frède V. (2004, July). Preservice elementary teachers conceptions about astronomy . 35th Cospar Scientific Assembly Paris, France.
- Frède, V. & Balanca, C. (July 2004). CD-ROM for teaching astronomy at school. 35th Cospar Scientific Assembly Paris, France.
- Frède, V., Frappart, S., & Tartas, V. (2008, July). Learning about Earth and Space through computer-based argumentative activity. 37th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Québec.
- Frède V. & Bizouard C. (2003, April). Effect of the nonlinear behaviour of atmospheric forcing on the Earth rotation. Assemblée générale de l’European geophysical Society, Nice, France